The 10 Acre Woods is a family owned and operated registered not for profit petting farm and animal rescue. They come to us from from many locations including the municipal animal management service and others looking for a better life for pets that they can no longer care for. They are bottle babies, Runts, Orphans, or left behind and neglected. A few are so friendly they have been re homed here so they can share there love with others. Many of the animals that come in need socializing and as a solution we opened our farm to the public where we build there trust in hopes to one day find there forever family.
Since 2002 we have rescued animals and with the encouragement of those in the community have opened our farm to the public offering a friendly relaxing and educational experience. We are very hands on with our animals and in return they give us lots of love back. Many of the animals have interactive personalities making it a real bonding experience. From Little Lucy to Fernando the Turkey.
We welcome individuals on the weekend from spring to fall, please check Google for our hours of operation. For many years we have had numerous seniors, special needs and private groups come and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere, these groups can be booked during the week throughout the warmer weather. As we grow the more groups are finding out the benefits to such an experience. Guests are welcome to pack a lunch or use the on site BBQ as well as the play structure area making for a more enjoyable experience. We ask for a minimum $10 donation per person for the petting farm and a $15 donation per person to book the BBQ and picnic areas for your private function (includes access to the petting farm) to help pay the bills and continue to help more animals.
During the winter months our petting farm is closed for the season but we hold classes inside for things like Processing Wool, Craft Classes, Seed & Plant Swap as well as many other functions, check our calendar of events for classes and hours of operation.
For weekly updated about our farm or what we do check out our YouTube channel @10AcreWoodsAnola.